The Whole-Brain Child 

The Whole-Brain Child is a workbook of practical exercises, worksheets and activities to nurture developing minds written by Daniel Siegel, M.D. and Tian Payne Bryson, Ph.D. This 7-week series explains what “Parenting with the brain in mind” means as well as helps the participants understand the different parts of the developing brain, integrating memory for growth and healing, integrating the many parts of self, the ‘me-we’ connection, integrating self and other and more as the group works together to better understand parenting and develop stronger skills. 

Parenting Better Children

Parenting Better Children is an 8-week skills training program designed by Jennifer Wilke-Deaton, MA, LPA to reach, teach and empower.  Participants in this group will engage in learning about the basics of behavioral change, need for predictable routine, effective use of cool-down time, importance of self-regulation, Parent’s personal time-out, quiet time, how to recognize escalation, emotion cycles, diffusing techniques, understanding how technology sensitizes and much more.

Positive Discipline 

Positive Discipline is 6-week series developed by Jane Nelsen. This series askes “What do you want for your children?”, explains what Positive Discipline is, explores the belief behind the behavior, mistaken goal charts, and birth order and sibling rivalry, natural and logical consequences, focusing on solutions, engagement vs. praise, back talk, and more.